Monday, May 21, 2012

On Minorities (and other topics)

Yup my FBFeed gave me a reason to rant again, apparently I have A LOT of liberal friends.  Today's rant is sponsored by the internet meme Gobstoppers (shown in context above).

Can I start by mentioning that no I am not afraid of being a minority.  I am saddened that it has come to this.  The only reason that minorities are 'second class citizens' is because people still perpetuate that they will be treated different.

In jobs, education, etc etc, these 'minorities' feel the need to identify themselves as minorities, and the institutions cow tow to it to ensure 'social justice', to open their doors first to these individuals regardless of merit or suitability to the job or as another example the quality of income in circumstances of loaning money.

No, I'm not worried that if a white person is now considered a minority.  Infact the issue that I have is that while the 'whites' will be treated as the majority even still.  We won't be afforded the same 'rights' as those that have for decades or centuries been given the ability to come up with exclusive organizations because they were a minority, no it will still be seen by those groups as their right alone.

Though of course this isn't all groups.  Hell look at the Asians do they have a group like La Rasa, or the Black Panthers.  No, they do not, they melted into this country.  Yes I understand that there was a time not too long ago that the African-Americans were a seperate class but that is no more.  The only laws that are out there, the only difference in the rights of the African-Americans and the other Americans are the senses of entitlement and their ability to have organizations that are solely focused on themselves and not get called racists for it.  Can you imagine if, within the next 20 years Caucasian-Americans decided that since they were now the minority in the country that they wanted to start up an organization called the NAAWP.  The shit storm that would be unleashed would be immense to say the least.

Can you imagine if after a crime was committed that an organization called the Snow Leopards (or some equally 'white' militant establishment) called for people to be murdered in the streets just for being of a different race.  Yes I know there was once a group of people who did things like that, and for those of us who were sane individuals, we denounced them does the name KKK ring a bell, or how about the Aryan Brotherhood, how many Caucasian-Americans were actually members of this.  Yet every time that there is some incident where a non-colored man, attacks or defends themselves do you hear coming from important individuals in the African-American society go off like it's the end of the world.  Treat the crime as the crime and take race out of it.  That is what I say, for everything race should not be a part of it.

Instead of a Job/Education application that looks similar to this


()White ()Black ()Asian ()Native-American ()Hispanic ()Other____

Why do our Job/Education Applications look like this?


()American ()Work/Student Visa# _____

And again thanks for letting me answer another Rhetorical Question *§*

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

58 BILLION dollars... (or On Deficits Surpluses and falsehoods)

So is it just me or does this dis-ingenuousness of the federal government make you sick.  It's not just on one side its on both, but as it stands the federal government or more appropriately the house and senate have not passed a budget in OVER 3 years.  Now that's all well and good I guess as it means all funding has stayed at the same levels as three years ago but my problem with this is that now there are those Obama supporters out there touting the newest fiscal surplus as this great achievement.

Can we all just be honest here, if the Democrats and/or Republicans could have pushed through any budget we would be sitting here complaining about and looking at yet another month of budget deficits.  Could we also look at where the cuts that allowed this surplus to appear are at.  Can the fiscal conservatives be more inept at pushing their message...  If you really want to put the screws to the spenders on both sides point out that the reason there is a surplus right now is massive losses to the benefits paid to those on Medicare.  Could we also push the fact that the majority of this current surplus is due to so many dropping off the unemployment rolls...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Education and you

Wow FaceySpace lately has been a great place to find topics to rant on... This picture just came across my feed and my jaw just dropped to the ground when I read some of the comments.  So instead of getting into an argument with the 'sharer' of this photo I figured I would make a post with all my thoughts in it at once.

So lets start with my obvious question.  If you want free tuition, then who is to stop companies from requiring you to go to college to get your lowest level entry job, to REQUIRE a college degree.  This is my first issue with 'free' college, note the '' around it, cause those who have any idea about these things realize that it would not be free it would be saddled with money from the job creators, referenced in my previous post and those job creators would then require you to have used the education they are providing to get even a mop jockey job, at least this is where I see it leading.

Now lets move onto what I feel is a real solution.  Let's fix the lower education (Grade-, Middle-, High-School) so that you can come out of school with the equivalent of a degree in the arts, history, a trade etc.  Hell if you ask me coming out of High-School you should be able to fill an IT Help Desk position, and then the company you are with can offer or allow you to go back to school to get the more interesting degrees.

Some of my own thoughts on Education are as follows

Not all teachers deserve to have tenure.  Unions do as much or more harm to the education system than good.  The current set up of education in this country is broken, not because of what or how the teachers teach but because of when they teach, and how students are just pushed along from one grade to the next, yes some will always rise and some will fall based on their abilities, but we shouldn't just shove the students through.  Testing of various sorts should show that a student is ready to advance, not the factory line like atmosphere just to get a graduation rate.

Arts should be used as a tool rather than looked at as the Red Headed step child of the educational process, the arts provide a person with the ability to think outside of the box, to get creative with their mind and give them the ability to critically think.  Cutting these programs is at the expense of our students not to the benefit of the schools.  As many studies have proved music and math are very much tied to one another for example.  Students who learn to play an instrument, be it piano, drums, trumpet, or flute, skew higher in math and science than those who do not.

So in short I think that we truly need to look at our lower educational institutions the ones that are already free and get them working properly and leave the college education, to the topics that need college educations...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Tax the Rich" -- Yeah just saw this

And I quote " Tax the rich. Contrary to popular belief they do not create jobs."

And then in response,

"I would like that etched in stone somewhere so people never forget it. Perhaps on a national monument: "Rich people do not create jobs." People that want to become rich do."

Could I have this explained to me as to how this makes any sense at all, I mean honestly this is like saying that once you get rich you don't want to stay rich, right.

Tax the rich as they create no jobs, so what you are telling me then is this, right, That S. Robson Walton, Andrew J McKenna & Don Thompson, William Clay Ford, Gregg Steinhafel, and Bill Gates create NO JOBS right, they are rich and they run fortune 500 companies but they create no jobs at all...  If you believe this you are DELUSIONAL that is all.

Thanks for coming to listen to my rants again listeners...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Updates: Constitutional Study and onto something more fun, well maybe

So as you all saw in my previous post Politicing from the keyboard, I am sure that you will all remember I was going over the constitution, while I think I did a fair job representing myself on the finer points of the pre-amble I think I have come across a snag, and haven't realized it until I actually started writing my post about Article I.  There are actually some interesting things inside of this document that no one seems to remember or pay attention to so with that said I am putting my review of the constitution on hold for a while, so that I can do some proper research on the subject and will come back to this at a later date.

As for more fun endeavours I think I am going to start going back through my games catalog again and putting up a review or two.  Yes this blog is about more than just politics, it's about my other past time and that's Gaming.  So since I started playing back through it and while it is approximately 8 years past it's prime I am going to start by reviewing in my own terms Doom 3.  From my objective standpoint.

I am about half way through this play through and will start writing sometime after Mothers Day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homosexual Marriage (on the right for homosexuals to experience the joys of matrimony)

Alright so in my personal view I can't say that I promote or am actively trying to get Same-Sex Marriage legalized anywhere, but at the same time I can't say that I see the issue with it as it is being presented.  On a Federal level you have the Protection of Marriage Act, which basically defines the term marriage on a national level, why this ever needed to be made I do not understand.  Why those who have an interest in this didn't go with the easiest such way around it which was to call it civil unions and then have the federal government just up and say, civil unions must be recognized nationwide I do not at all understand.  But call it what you will same-sex relationships hold all the candles of a standard marriage save the one that truly matters.  A child cannot naturally be produced within said relationship.  Do I think a child who grows up as a child in this type of family will not be well adjusted or will be tainted.

No I actually have a cousin who falls into this category, and while in natural cousin manner I think he's a nut-case (luv ya cuz), that is in no way a reflection on his up-bringing.  So, back on task here, I personally feel that same-sex couples are very much entitled to be bound contractually to one another and all the rights that go with said contract, but by defining same-sex marriage in the same way as the definition of a traditional opposite-sex marriage I think that the federal and any local government is going to, in my cynical opinion, open itself to having to rule on a religious issue at some point (Which as we know is NOT ALLOWED via the constitution, in the free practice clause).

This is going to open up some church in the future, mark my words (05/10/2012), to a lawsuit initiated by the ACLU or some similar group, due to the fact that their religion does not allow same sex marriage and thusly will not marry some couple in their chapel.  This will end in either the church and it's congregation having to fold, or a fight will be taken all the way to the supreme court and a ruling will be needed by the courts.  Now again maybe this is my cynical mind working but even as I sit here typing I see this as an opportunity for some enterprising homosexual couple to make A LOT of money if I am a lawyer.  But of course I could never in a million years imagine a lawyer advising one of their friends to pull this stunt EVER.

Sorry if I offend but just like the first guy to purposely step out in front of a car barreling down the road suing them, I can just see it coming to pass...

-- The Answerer

Edit: 10/19/2014 (Removed mention of race in final comment)